So I haven't updated pictures for a while and have some catching up to do. Here goes....

Justis turned 14 on Halloween. Here he is with his cool pumpkin cake that I made.

Justis turned 14 on Halloween. Here he is with his cool pumpkin cake that I made.
Hogle Zoo
Jace and i went to the zoo this summer with Grandma and Grandpa Allred, Auntie Inez, and cousins Dallin & Preston. Jace thought it was pretty neat. Here we are on the classic Hogle Zoo train. Jace wouldn't sit on my lap and wanted to be completely on his own. I had to sneak my arm behind and hold onto his shirt without him knowing.
Oh my Jace LOVED the carousel! As soon as he saw it, that is all he wanted. And was not very happy when he had to get off.
Our Thanksgiving cruise
Thia year we decided to go on a cruise for part of our christmas. So we booked the Mexican Baja cruise which goes to Catalina Island, CA and Ensenada Mexico. We drove there so the boys and I drove to Logan's apartment in Henderson, NV and played for a day or so before leaving for Long beach, CA. While in Vegas we went to the Shark Reef Aquarium at the Mandalay Bay.
After our adventures ion Vegas we drove to Long Beach and boarded our ship the Carnival Paradise. Then we ate....and ate...and ate. Oh did I mention we ate while on our cruise.

Our first stop was Catalina Island. We loved it, thought it was beautiful. There was a little strip of beach right by our dock where we played in the sand for some time. The boys had great fun.

After Justis and tage got their pants and shoes wet we ventured along the island looking for a place to snorkle. We found a place that worked perfect. Logan, Justis, and Tage rented gear and went snorkeling while Jace and I sat on teh rocky shore and threw rocks. Jace was in heaven. After his rock throwing adventure he chased the pigeons around showing them who was boss. Now we all know it's Jace!!

Our first stop was Catalina Island. We loved it, thought it was beautiful. There was a little strip of beach right by our dock where we played in the sand for some time. The boys had great fun.
After Justis and tage got their pants and shoes wet we ventured along the island looking for a place to snorkle. We found a place that worked perfect. Logan, Justis, and Tage rented gear and went snorkeling while Jace and I sat on teh rocky shore and threw rocks. Jace was in heaven. After his rock throwing adventure he chased the pigeons around showing them who was boss. Now we all know it's Jace!!
When we went back we had our formal dinner.

The next port was Ensenada and the big atttraction is La Bufadora "the Blowhole" We rode a bus through Mexico for like 45 minutes to see this blow hole which was pretty cool. Then the flea market. We looked for cool stuff to take home and what we found was (what Logan found I should say) wrestling masks like the ones used on Nacho Libre. In fact the guy said that it was the actual mask used in the movie. Can you believe it? The actual mask used in the movie. Wow! How did we get so lucky. Well Logan and Justis had to have one. Oh I forgot to mention, they are fire proof, he even demonstrated this for us. Boy that really sold us. And Logan talked this man down to $25 a piece and we got 2. Boy did we get a deal. (I looked them up on ebay and found them for $13) I thought this was so funny. Logan said, "oh they need the money more than we do". I just think it is funny. I would expect a wrestling mask in Mexico to be like $5.
The next port was Ensenada and the big atttraction is La Bufadora "the Blowhole" We rode a bus through Mexico for like 45 minutes to see this blow hole which was pretty cool. Then the flea market. We looked for cool stuff to take home and what we found was (what Logan found I should say) wrestling masks like the ones used on Nacho Libre. In fact the guy said that it was the actual mask used in the movie. Can you believe it? The actual mask used in the movie. Wow! How did we get so lucky. Well Logan and Justis had to have one. Oh I forgot to mention, they are fire proof, he even demonstrated this for us. Boy that really sold us. And Logan talked this man down to $25 a piece and we got 2. Boy did we get a deal. (I looked them up on ebay and found them for $13) I thought this was so funny. Logan said, "oh they need the money more than we do". I just think it is funny. I would expect a wrestling mask in Mexico to be like $5.
Yay! You finally posted again! The cruise pix are so cute and fun! I have always wanted to try a cruise with the boys. You may have inspired me to try. Justis is such a serious teenager in all the photos. Just like Luke would be! When will they stop trying to be cool??? I'm glad everything is well with you guys. Miss ya!
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