Monday, April 13, 2009


Justis and Tage were at their dads this weekend so Logan and I just took it easy.

We hid candy Sunday afternoon and Jace found some.
Balloons are his favorite. Seriously, the cheap stuff is the best.
Jace and his daddy


Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness this boy is a doll. You got some great pictures of him--- I love the one with the smarties. I feel like if I can't see you in person, if I can at least see pictures I'm okay. Keep them comin' girl!

haley said...

Geez..... He grew up overnight! He looks like a little man and not a baby anymore. He's so cute. Good pics!

Courtney said...

He is so cute! Getting so big!

Jay and Ang said...

Awh...Jace is so sweet. Logan looks so proud to be a daddy. I'm so happy for you guys. I miss you!!!

walkerfamily said...

Wow! What happened to you're baby boy? He's so huge! I love his little faux hawk. Those blue eyes are to die for.