Saturday, December 13, 2008

Picture Tag

So I don't really know what a picture tag is so I will just guess. I am so happy I came across this picture to post. This is January 2005. Heidi was really pregnant (like 3 weeks from having Kason) and we (Alli, Heidi and I) went to a movie for my Birthday. We picked the movie Birth (not knowing any better) and it was one of the worst movies I had ever seen. We were like some of the only people in the movie theatre, which should have been a clue for us. I remember Allison and I feeling Heidi's belly and thinking it was so hard we couldn't imagine him getting any bigger. To me it looked like a night we were just bums, I was at least. Even though it was an awful movie it was still a fun girls night out, one we have laughed about a few times since.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Trying to catch up

I was showing Jace out the window, and he thought it was pretty cool. So I was trying to get his attention so I could take a picture of him. Well, whenever I try to get Jace's attention, Oliver (our silky terrior) is right there in my face. Over the past year this dog has become obsessed with me. I think it had something to do with me being pregnant and being home with Jace for those 12 weeks. I just though this was funny and really showed what it like.

Leaky hole repaired

Jace was born with a very little hole on his neck that leaked slightly (I know this sounds very weird). We decided to have it fixed while he was young, even though it wasn't causing any problems. So that scheduled the surgery and removed this tube that ran from his neck to his tonsils. It was called something like a sinus fistula yadda yadda. The doc explained it this way, "when we are young fetuses we have gills and those gills either turn into things (like sinuses and such) or they dissolve. Well every once in a while they don't dissolve and we end up with this." So the surgery went well, he healed great and was back to normal in about 1 day. Babies are so resilient.

What's for dinner mom?

Jace finally discovered the dirt. And was eating it like it was good. I find it strange that he will gag on normal people food but eat dirt with no problems what so ever. And he goes back for seconds... and thirds... and fourths. Maybe I should add a little soil to his veggies. MMmmMM.


Hammy is the way people look when they wake up (according to Logan). Here is Logan and Jace looking pretty Hammy.


In this one Logan was watching Jace while I was vacuuming. And the hum of the vacuum put them both to sleep. Double ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.

Boy Jace must have been tired to do this. Tage thought it was pretty funny. Jace was just sitting by him and before he knew it he started falling onto Tage. ZZZZZzzzzzzz.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Warm Rain

The dog is our Harley and I just couldn't resist posting this picture. He was watching the boys play, wishing he could go with them.
One day this summer it started to rain really hard, and it was warm out there. I told them to go out side and play. They were glad to.Oh I remember rains like this from my childhood. It was so fun to feel the warm rain on your body, to run on the warm wet concrete with bare feet, to splash in the puddles. Not having to worry about anything. Does anyone remember those days where we had absolutely no worries?

When I think back to all the childhood memories that I hold dear, I start to realize that they didn't have anything to do with anything fancy, expensive, or exotic. I guess it relieves me a little with all these scary economic times, just to know that families, happiness, and the memories that we think back on with such nostalgia... are free and at the tips of our fingers.

Mud Puppy Pond

Mud Puppy Pond (nicknamed by Logan's nephew Dallin) is a little pond by our house. The boys spent a lot of time there this summer swimming and fishing. It starts out pretty big but by the end of the summer it is all dried up. Jace and I went down ther to see what all the hipe was about but there wasn't much there for us.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

This is only fair because I haven't been able to post. I will soon though. I finally get internet at my house on the 13th.

8 TV Shows I Like to Watch
~Sex and the City (I know, sinful)
~Cold Case
~Dancing With the Stars
~Law & Order
~Everybody Loves Raymond

8 Things That Happened Yesterday
~I ate a Polo Grounds sandwich for breakfast from Gandolfos.
~Had to go to a sexual harrassment class for the county (ZZZzzzzz).
~Took Val (my boss) and Mis Fran to lunch at Joe Bandidos.
~Taught the male inmates.
~Logan came home (he has been working out of town).
~Shopped a little online.
~Watched 'I am Legend' with Logan and Justis.
~Ate dinner at The Italian Place (I know I eat out a lot).

8 Favorite Places to Eat
~Red Lobster
~Brick Oven
~Los Hermanos
~Joe Bandidos
~Olive Garden

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
~The end of Barack Obama's four year term.
~The holidays
~The day I don't have to work full time
~Any vacations
~The economy improving
~My boss Val having a clean bill of health
~Getting in shape
~Getting our backyard put in and our basement done

People I am tagging (I don't have 8 blogging friends that haven't already been Tagged)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I finally have a picture to post, courtesy of Lindsay. Utah County sent me to the Fall Substance Abuse conference in Layton, Utah. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my baby so I took him with me. Lindsay was so kind and agreed to watch Jace while I was at the conference. It was so good to see her and Jackson and Taylor. We had a good time. And as you can see Jace had a good time also. He loved Jack and was always chasing him and wanting to climb on him and touch him, poor Jack didn't know what to think.
Jace is so busy these days. He started crawling about 5-6 weeks ago and he loves it. I do have many pictures to post but my computer is still out of order. We are trying to get it all set up this week so hopefully by next week I will have lots to post.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Soooo busy!!

I know, lame excuse. Logan and I bought a house and moved in at the beginning of July. We live in Santaquin and so far we love it. Our neighborhood is so wonderful, and everyone is so nice. I guess the only bad thing about it is that we live so far away and people are less likely to come see us clear out there. We are mostly settled except for decorating. I don't think I will feel completely at home until I have painted a few walls and hung decorations (which seems impossible to do with Jace). We haven't hooked up internet out there yet because the room that our computer is in, is the only room in the house that doesn't have the hook-ups. So until we figure out how to run them I can only use the computer at work and I haven't figure out how to load my pic's onto this computer yet. I will work on it. Everything is going so good in our lives, I feel so blessed. Justis and Tage are doing well. Justis is about my height and will be starting junior high on the 20th of August, and he is such a good boy. Tage is annoying as ever but keeps life interesting (and us laughing). Jace is so much fun and growing so fast. It is so fun to watch him grow and to learn but sad at the same time (you mom's know what I mean). He is in the 75th percentile for his height and 50th percentile for his weight, and if they had a chart for his hands he would be off the charts. Logan has been working hard up at the dam and is finally finished, and will most likely be going to Henderson, NV for his next job. He is so good with all the boys and is such a good husband. I am so busy thay I can't even maintain my blog. Work is good, my family is better. I have the greatest family and friends in the world and feel like the luckiest girl ever.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008



three Joys

1. Family
Family just seems like a given. I have the best husband...who is so sweet to me. He really loves me and he is not afraid to show it. And what great boys I have. Oh, and my dogs Oliver and Harley. I can't think of anyone that I would rather be around. I also have four amazing brothers and all of thier families, and extended family. yep, love em.

2. Friends
I love being around friends. I really am such a people person and love meeting new people and getting to know them (even though I can be shy). I have been blessed with some really great friends in my life. My mom once said that most people only have one really great friend in their life and I am blessed with many.

3. My Jobs
Yes Jobs. Teaching inmates has really grown on me. It is so incredible when you can see the light start shining inside someone, when thay have been so dark for so long. My other job is being a mother. This one I have known that I wanted since I was a little girl, but it is so much better than I ever dreamed it would be. By far being a mom is the best job.

three Fears

1. Spiders
Spiders and other small creatures (snakes, mice, lizards). Aaauuuggghhh!!! I can't think of anything worse! (well maybe, but not in the moments I see any small creatures) If I see a spider I can't do anything until I know it is dead. If I don't have proof of death I imagine it finding me later and multiplying in the meantime.

2. Losing people close to me
I have already had to experience this and know how hard it is. I stress myself out sometime worrying about bad things happening to people I love.

3. Water
I am not afraid of drownding, I am afraid of what is in the water. I don't like fish and I DON'T want them to touch me.

three Goals

1. Get a Masters Degree
It has always been my plan to get my masters degree. This goal has been put on hold till my little kids (i plan to have one more) are a little older. I have always wanted to work as a school counselor.

2. To write a book
The ideas of what to write about have changed through the years. I have thought about writing a youth book, teaching them deeper meanings of values. Or maybe a self help book, teaching some of the concepts I have been teaching throughout the years at the jail.

3. Raise good kids
I am so scared for my kids to get into trouble. I think of my past and I also hear a lot of stories from the clients at the jail about them getting into trouble. I just pray that i will know what to teach my kids now that will guide them through those difficult teenage years.

three Obsessions/Collections

1. Home decorating
I love decorating. Sometimes I am not sure that I am any good at it but I like to pretend. I love watching home makeover shows. I love painting different colors. Adding color to a room can transform it completely.

2. Clothes
I love shopping and I love buying CLOTHES and SHOES. Not that I am in fashion but it just makes me feel good. Shopping could be my prozac if I needed it, it always makes me feel better if I am having a bad day.

3. Nativity Sets
I guess I don't really have any obsessive collections. I have for the past couple years started to collect nativities. I don't have a ton but I love all the different kinds they have available.

three Random Surprising Facts

1. My Tongue
I have a really long tongue. I have only discovered this because some funny picture Logan and I have taken goofing off. Funny thing is, Logan has a really long tongue too. See, I guess we were made for each other.

2. Not Tickleish
Nope not really at all. In fact I love to be tickled (soft, of course). Every once in a while someone can find a tickleish spot on me but it is really rare.

3. I skipped 7th Grade
No it's not because I am soooo smart. My mom moved me to Utah and I did homeschool for the last half of 6th grade. During that time all the friends I made were a year older than me so when we went to register me for school my mom just registered me for 8th. They didn't ask any questions so we just went with it.

I tag Heidi, Lindsay, and Becky. Sorry girls I don't have a ton of blogging friends so not a lot of options.
So, I finally fixed my computer and now can get back to blogging. I have quite a few pictures to post. We have had so much going on, and I know I'll leave things out. But here goes.

On May 9, 2008 I received my endowments in the Manti Temple.
Then on the 10th, Logan and I were sealed in the Mount Timpanogis Temple.
It was so amazing!!

We have had a few Saturdays that it was good weather. On those days Logan, Justis, and Tage have gone up to the mountains to hike and explore. They have had a lot of fun doing it!

I went to work on a Saturday for like 4 hours and Logan took care of the baby. When I got home he had him dressed. His undershirt onesie was too small, his shirt was on backwards ("I thought the snaps went in the front"), and his pants didn't match. It made me smile. It is such a dad thing to do.

Logan, Justis, Tage, Jace, and I went for a hike, a couple weeks ago, up Payson Canyon. I put Jace in my little snuggle carry thing and he LOVED IT!!! He loves to be outside, and as long as I was moving he was happy.
It was such a beautiful day (which we haven't had a lot of those) so we decided that we had to be outside.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I have neglected my blog for a long time now. My excuse is that my home computer is a mess. Justis went online to look for cheats for Guitar Hero III...and wa la...viruses. Lots of then too. In the meantime we have been pretty busy. Logan & I went through the temple and were sealed (it was totally amazing). We are alos in the process of buying a house. I will have to take a picture of it and post it. We should be able to move in some time in the end of June. We are all so is time. We have been playing a little and working a lot and the boys last day of school is today. Hopefully Logan and I can fix the computer this weekend and I can get back to posting the events of our life.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We blessed Jace on Sunday. He was perfect, looked so sweet and slept right through the blessing. Logan did such a good job (cried right through it). Afterwards we came back to the house and had lunch with some of the fam. It was a good day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

We had fun on Easter weekend. We colored eggs, went out west for Logan's family's easter campout, and had our own easter candy hunt at home. The weather was nice for March (which is still way too cold for me).

I took Jace to his 2 month check-up on Monday the 17. He weighed 11 lb 2 oz and was 22 in long. So he is growing like crazy. He fell into the 50th percentile for everything; head, weight, and length. He also had to get his shots, which he didn't have a great reaction to. He acted like he didn't feel good for a couple days. I'm so glad he is feeling better. He is such a happy baby. He has started to smile and goo so much, I could just play with him all day.

Monday, March 24, 2008

We of course had to go to the beach while we were in San Diego. So at the end of our last day there we headed to the beach. As you can see we were the only ones there. It was so cold and windy that of course the only people crazy enough to go to the beach would be tourists needing to say they went to the beach. Even though it was terribly cold and windy it was so beautiful. There is nothing like the's so magnificent. The boys collected a bag of sea shells and sand to bring back to Utah, and they got there feet a little wet.
Day 4 was SeaWorld. We had fun, especially watching the shows. But my very favorite part of SeaWorld was the Budweiser horses (even though I didn't take any pictures).

Legoland was day three for us. It was so cool to see all the things they have built out of lego's. The rides were a little immature so probably better for younger kids but it was still very awesome. The weather wasn't the greatest though. While we were in Anaheim it was okay but by the time we headed down to San Diego a storm started to roll in and it got cold and windy. Just my luck, San Diego is beautiful 'almost' all the time but I go when it's cold, windy and rainy.

Oh's Hopper from Bug's Life. Oh and Logan is trying to feed him our baby.